Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Crucible Danforth and Hale - 1435 Words

Arthur Millers The Crucible possesses many examples of interesting character development. A character who one initially finds to be worthy of mercy or pity can easily become the last person deserving of sympathy. This relationship is not only formed between the reader and the characters, but between the characters and the scenario of the story itself. The victim may become the accuser, or the scholar may become the humanitarian. This manner of characterization is best shown in the relationship between Reverend John Hale and Deputy Governor Danforth. Each is objectified to the events in Salem as they come into the situation with no attachments to any of the other characters and are unfamiliar with any of their mannerisms or personalities.†¦show more content†¦Hale says, â€Å"I come to do the devils work. His sarcasm collapses. There is blood on my head! Can you not see the blood on my head!!†(121) His guilt has reached a point where he simply loses all inhibitions and does whatever he can to protect Proctor. Hale is the one who attempts to make Danforth sufficient with the verbal confession. When Proctor denies all questions concerning the innocence of Rebecca Nurse and Martha Corey, it is believed that Hale is unable to finish his work. Hale makes a petition to Proctor. â€Å"Man you will hang! You cannot!†(133) Proctors reply is,â€Å" I can. And there’s your first marvel. You have made your magic now, for now I think I do see some shread of goodness in John Proctor†(133). This statement redeems Hale, although he does not know it. Hale has inadvertently sent John Proctor to God. This is the full realization of Hales holy work. Deputy Governor Danforth is a very stern and imposing person. Like Hale, he is very proud of his position. He does not overtly allow anything to interfere with his work or cause. He relies, though, upon outside influence and persuasion to make decisions. This includes the many girls who are his sourc es for accusations and information. He is adaptable and when approached correctly, can be easily convinced. These traits may be seen as signs of gullibility, immaturity, and the cause for the haste with which he takes to finishShow MoreRelatedThe Crucible Reputation Essay1139 Words   |  5 Pagesor owning property, during the play The Crucible by Arthur Miller depended on ones reputation. Set in Salem, during the summer months of 1692, The Crucible brings to life what lengths some went to save their good name. Whether it is the stern and just Lieutenant Governor and Judge Danforth, religious, churchly figure, Reverend Parris, or higher moral and model citizen John Proctor, each’s reputation has greater importance than having a safe society. 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